Sunday, 29 November 2009

Från och med den första december 2009 är Sverige en övervakad nation – det är då som FRA får tillgång till en stor del av vår Internet- och mobiltrafik.

Detta kommer att få ett antal konsekvenser. De mest påtagliga är att flera grundläggande rättigheter i praktiken kommer att sättas ur spel. En självklarhet som brevhemligheten kommer efter den första december 2009 inte att existera på internet. Även andra grundlagsskyddade rättigheter som källskyddet är starkt hotat. Många organisationer har skarpt protesterat mot FRA-lagen, däribland Journalistförbundet och Advokatsamfundet. En majoritet av det svenska folket är emot FRA:s avlyssning.

Flera juridiska experter uttrycker dessutom stor tveksamhet till om FRA-lagen är förenlig med Europakonventionen, d.v.s. den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Sverige har förbundit sig att följa den konventionen och rimligtvis bör lagen alltså prövas i Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Telia ansvarar idag för en majoritet av den trafik som FRA kommer att vilja avlyssna. Därför uppmanar vi Telia: Ta FRA-lagen till domstol.

Monday, 19 October 2009

X am weak

It's exam-week this week and that means that I'm being glued to paper instead of computers. Boring? Sure, but somehow I got a good feel about these exams and I should be able to pass them.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Support an open Intzorwebs

As a pirate freedom on the Internet is very important to me. It is of my opinion that access to Internet should be a fundamental right, like water or electricity. No court or country should have the right to take away my access to fresh water or my the electricity that keeps my house warm. Therefore I have signed this petition and if you agree with me, I suggest you do the same.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Garlics are not ethics

Apparently garlics are not ethics. At least not according to our lecturer who showed a great lacking of humour when someone replied to his statement that we couldn't have a wrong opinion about ethics by asking if a garlic could be the definition of ethics.

Personally I think it was rather unethical of him to get angry for falling into the moral hole, which he had dug himself. But I guess that it is only natural for someone how lectures about ethics for engineers to be boring.

Google does however disagree with our lecturer and has 402.000 hits for "garlic ethics", so I guess they do after all.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Good deed

Yesterday I "borrowed" 300 Swedish crowns(about 30 €) to an exchange student who had lost his wallet and ID so that he could get home to his apartment in Örebro. Not sure where I'm going with this post, but I feel rather good about myself. I wonder if it's common to get kicks out of good deeds.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Only been having clockwork, steamengines and Victorian gentlemen on my mind during the last few days. I'm not sure what's so facinating about 19th century Sci-Fi, but it has really gotten to me lately. If I ever get enough money to afford a house where I can have my own study I'm going to fill it with lots of steampunkish stuff and be all awesome. Also I will have to buy a tophat.

Speaking of which, I found this site and while I'm not sure about how good they are at delivery, their inventory is great: